During the 27th annual meeting of the NBTE 2018, there was a wonderful line-up and triggered many discussions. During the Thursday evening lecture, Prof. dr. Morgan Alexander delivered wonderful insights in the excellent research that his group is doing on high-throughput biomaterial development and placed this in a historical perspective with fun facts that are generally not known by the public. In one word FANTASTIC.

Additionally, at the end of the conference the award ceremony was held for best oral presentation, best poster, and best conference chair. To have an idea what wonderful lectures and posters were presented, please have a look at the program Program NBTE 27th Annual Meeting 2018.pdf .


This year the best oral presentation was delivered by Eline van Haaften from Eindhoven University of Technology (Left). The ceremony for the award was led by Willeke Daamen from Radboud UMC and secretary of the NBTE. Eline was praised for clarity of her presentation and particularly making her topic " Shear stress and Cyclic Stretch differentially regulate Early In Situ Tissue Regeneration " accessible for both experts and laymen in the field. Well done!


This year the best poster was presented by Bas van Loo from University of Twente (Right). The ceremony for the award was led by Vito Conte from Eindhoven University of Technology. Bas was praised for use of ratio of visuals and text and the fact that the topic " Microfluidically generated hollow microgels enable high throughput production of micro-aggregates " became immediately understandable. The poster was also supported by an excellent 1 minute pitch. Congratulations!


This year the best conference chair was Suzanne Koch from Einhoven University of Technology (Right). The ceremony for the award was led by Patricia Dankers from Eindhoven University of Technology and member of the NBTE board. Suzanne won the award because of her enthousiasm and interactive approach during chairing . Congratulations!