Interesting links
cBiT is the first repository that offers biomaterial-based transcriptomics data together with all relevant biomaterial metadata:
TOBIG - Translational Orthopaedic Biomaterials Interest group
The aim of the TOBIG foundation is building an independent and open access educational platform on biomaterials for bone healing:
Materials Driven Regeneration
The Research Center for Materials-Driven Regeneration (MDR) brings materials scientists, cell biologists, tissue engineers and medical scientists together to jointly work on the regeneration of tissue and organ function with intelligent, life-like materials. With the multidisciplinary approach in MDR, the consortium wants to tackle one of the biggest and costliest challenges of healthcare: the cure of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and organ diseases such as kidney failure:
Sister Societies
Dutch Society for Matrix Biology
The Society for Matrix Biology (in Dutch: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Matrix Biologie, abbreviated as NVMB) aims at promoting scientific research of both fundamental and applied nature into the characteristics and function of the extracellular matrix in health and disease:
European Society for Biomaterials
The European Society for Biomaterials is a non-profit organization at the forefront of the scientific community determined to tackle unmet clinical needs by means of advanced materials for medical devices and regenerative medicine:
European Society of Biomechanics
Our goal is to encourage research, disseminate knowledge and promote progress in Biomechanics:
German Society for Biomaterials
The DGBM is an interdisciplinary society that brings together material scientists, biologists, chemists, physicians and veterinarians:
UK Society for Biomaterials
The United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials (UKSB) was set up to serve the diverse, interdisciplinary biomaterials research community. This was in response to the findings of a joint working party of the Institute of Materials and the Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine. The UKSB is the democratic Society for the whole biomaterials community:
Polish Society for Biomaterials
Polish Society for Biomaterials (PSB) was founded in 1996 by the group of people working in the field of materials science and medicine. The Society operates nationwide. The aim of the PSB is to promote fundamental or applied research in biomaterials:
The Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine
The SSB+RM is the assembly of people in Switzerland working or interested in the field of biomaterials and regenerative medicine, be it on the industrial or the university level:
The Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials
The Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials (ScSB) was founded in May 2008. The organization is still young and under rapid development. The main focus of our activities is centred on organizing an annual Biomaterials meeting in Scandinavia and the Baltic states, and thereby promoting cross-fertilization of Biomaterials research in Scandinavia, Iceland, Finland and the Baltic states. In addition to academic researchers, the society regards students and industry as very important members of the society:
US Society for Biomaterials
The Society For Biomaterials is a multidisciplinary society of academic, healthcare, governmental and business professionals dedicated to promoting advancements in all aspects of biomaterial science, education and professional standards to enhance human health and quality of life:
European Materials Research Society
E-MRS now has more than 4,000 members from industry, government, academia and research laboratories, who meet regularly to debate recent technological developments of functional materials: