Our primary focus is on materials interacting with cells and tissues, which can occur on length scale ranging from nanometers to micrometers, and even on the macroscale. It is our mission to understand how physicochemical material properties ((bio)chemical, mechanical, topographical) interact and direct cellular behavior. This understanding of materials interacting with biological systems (materiobiology) is connected to technology development such as high-throughput biomaterial screening to enable this understanding. Additionally, we develop novel nanomaterials to achieve a similar understanding of nanostructures/particles and their interaction with cells.
The obtained knowledge is translated towards solving clinical implant related problems such as implant associated fibrosis, implant associated infection, cellular uptake of nanomaterials for drug and gene-delivery, development of tissue engineering scaffold, and the development of specialized coatings. Materials that we use range from synthetic and biopolymers, inorganic materials, and protein/peptide-based structures.
KEYWORDS: matriobiology; biomaterials; biointerfaces; nanotechnology; materials chemistry