The 30th Annual Meeting of the NBTE, which is the anniversary meeting of our society, was re-scheudled to Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th April 2022 at conference center "De Werelt" in Lunteren. Please find the program and abstract book at the bottom of the page.

Good morning NBTE

To celebrate 30 years of our society, Rosanna Herzberger moderated a special interview with Prof. Klaas de Groot, Prof. Clemens van Blitterswijk, Malgorzata (Gosia) Wlodarczyk-Biegun, and Lea Andree on changes in tissue engineering through the years.

The evening lecture was given by dr. Arin Doğan of Mosa Meat who presented some insights on the developments of cultured meat. The morning keynote lecture was given by dr. Britta Trappman of the Max Planck Institute for Biomolecular Medicine.

The program was further comprised of 10 parallel sessions, each starting with a keynote speaker by young PIs. A total of 38 oral presentations and 73 poster presentations made up the rest of the program. See the full program and abstract book below.

Best Poster Award: Marta Valverde's (Utrecht University) poster was selected as best poster of the meeting by the poster committee comprised of Tina Vermonden (Utrecht University), Paula Marks (Maastricht University), and Lisa Tromp (UMC Groningen).

Best Oral presentation Award: Claudia del Toro Runzer (Maastricht University) and Niels Willemen (University of Twente) both won the prize for best presentation by the committee comprised of: Sandra Hofmann (TU/e), Tom Kamperman (UTwente), and Johanna Husch (Radboudumc).

Best Thesis Award: Iris Pennings (Utrecht University) won the thesis award. Theses that are sponsored by the NBTE and defended between September 1st 2019 and August 31st 2021 automatically competed for this award. The thesis was selected by an external jur comprised of: Julieta Paez (UTwente), Anat Akiva (Radboudumc), and Silvia Mihaila (Utrecht University).

Left to right: Iris Pennings, Claudia del Toro Runzer, Niels Willemen, and Marta Valverde.

Furthermore, several enthusiastic PhD students/post-docs have formed an early stage researcher lustrum committee and organized a workshop on Open Science and organized a pubquiz. The committee is comprised of: Sangita Swapnasrita (Maastricht University), Rob Meuwese & Lieke van Dommelen (Radboudumc), Castro Johnbosco & Prasanna Padmanaban (UTwente).

Gold sponsor:

Silver sponsors:

Bronze sponsors: